Quantum Computing - Boost for AI - Artificial Intelligence Technology

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Quantum Computing - Boost for AI Technology

Nadja Parfenov

Nadja Jürgens (born Parfenov)
Head of marketing
June 7th, 2019

Each of us generates huge amounts of data daily (over 2.5 trillion bytes) with an increasing tendency. Gigantic mountains of data are emerging from more and more sources with ever-increasing networking. Experts say that the digital transformation of society has only just begun. At the same time, our computers are reaching the physical limits of their computing capacity. The performance of data processing cannot keep up with the quantities of our data. AI (Artificial Intelligence) algorithms “live” from data. They need this computing power and data processing in order to be trained and to make more and more reliable statements, according to the simple calculation: the more data sets, the more qualitative artificial intelligence is. New technologies/hardware systems are therefore needed: the era of quantum computers is dawning.

How do quantum computers work?

Quantum computers are based on a different system than our computers, which we use every day; instead of microelectronics, quantum mechanics are used here. Conventional PCs are based on bits with a value of 1 or 0. Quantum computers simultaneously recognize values that lie in between. Bits are no longer the smallest memory units, but the so-called qubits, consisting of 3 values. Thus, the binary system is extended by a whole dimension, the memory capacity grows exponentially and the amount of data that can be processed seems to be infinite (whether it really is or not will be seen).

Quantum computers and the AI?

Not only do quantum computers solve much faster tasks, they also solve those that our digital computers cannot solve. They enable an enormous acceleration of data processing. Processes that took months for our conventional computer can now be solved within a very short time. This is a very important factor for the further development of AI (Artificial Intelligence), especially in combination with other technologies, for example AI paired with nanotechnology. Even special programs that previously had to run in isolation, for example image recognition, speech recognition, process planning, can be combined with Quantum Computing in one program. Quantum computers accelerate AI, solve complex AI problems and enable multiple solutions for complex problems simultaneously. As a result, artificial intelligence can perform complex tasks in a “human-like” way, but more efficiently.

The potential lies not only in computational speed, but also in unsupervised machine learning, which means unattended machine learning. Here, neural network algorithms recognize and interpret the raw data without any training. They should be able to recognize correlations themselves, learn from experience – just like humans – and correct their own mistakes. The whole range of possibilities and their complexity, which are offered by Quantum Computing, cannot yet be estimated.

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Where are quantum computers already being used?

The banking industry is a pioneer here. Some banks (especially Swiss banks) are to use quantum computers in the field of quantum cryptography to protect data, especially in transactions, and to be prepared for the risk of data clauses as soon as quantum computers reach end customers. This is because the current key exchange technologies that are used to secure/encrypt our data are easy to break through by hackers. So banks need to start early and equip themselves to withstand the attacks of hackers with quantum computers.

What are the first business models?

Quantum computers are first and foremost used by large companies that build their solutions on them and by software companies that develop and sell their own AI applications or offer software development services in this area.

Are quantum computers really a novelty?

Basically, Quantum Computing is not really a new discovery. The foundations were laid in the mid-70s by Roman Stanisław Ingarden, a Polish physicist. And Paul Benioff described a quantum mechanical computer model in 1980.

In the 1990s, the physicist Elizabeth Behrmann from the USA linked quantum physics with artificial intelligence for the first time. At the time, she encountered a great deal of headwind; today, the combination of the two technologies appears to be the “most natural in the world”, a logical result that had to follow sooner or later.

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