AI Medical Imaging: Clinical Support & Process Optimization

AI for clinical decision support and medical process optimization

AI for medical imaging

We deliver custom, cutting-edge medical imaging projects that unlock the value of medical images. Our medical imaging solutions are focused on automatic segmentation (DICOM segmentation), visual analysis, pathologies detection (for example FCD detection, and brain tumor detection), and medical image measurement. We recognize the importance of projects that increases efficiency, quality, safety, and efficiency in the medical sector and that supports you in your work and processes.

Medical AI segmentation of MRi and CT

Segmentation of anatomical structures on MRI/CT scans

Automatic detection of anatomical structures such as brain, bones, vessels, or pancreas and their parts such as brain ventricles based on MRI and CT segmentation. Detect pathologies like tumors, aneurysms, and other malformations.

Measurements of organs and anatomical structures

Gain valuable insight into organs – such as length, width, or volume through medical image measurement. For example, detect the center line of vessels and measure the aneurysm parameters or determine the ventricular volume of the heart.

anatomical structure
medical equipment

Visual analysis of medical equipment

Accelerate the organizational activities in the hospitals and automate the controlling procedures – such as recognize the tools on operation tray and report missing pieces.

Visualize and render in 3D or use as part of your product

If visualizing and rendering 3D medical imaging is part of your plans, either as part of solutions or for research purposes, let’s make your project or idea come true. Contact us, we have the right solution for you.

Segmentation Medical Image

Reliable tools and medical expertise

Our team has extensive knowledge built on the implementation of multiple medical AI projects. Over many years of working with medical stakeholders such as doctors, researchers, medical staff, and hospital directors, we have built a deep understanding of medical processes and needs. Our projects are built using reliable methodologies and frameworks, such as Microsoft InnerEye, to ensure high standards of the models, data version control, AI training repeatability, and documentation for e.g. medical certification purposes.

Medical imaging projects


FCD Detection

Automatic detection of focal cortical dysplasia (FCD) on MRI images.

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Natural Rendering apoQlar VSII

VSI Holomedicine®

Automatic recognition of body parts for intraoperative
use with apoQlar.

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Aneurysm measurement

Aneurysm measurement

AI-enabled aneurysm measurement and centerline detection.

Our typical cooperation partners


Use the models as part of your product.

Research institutes
and grant consortia

Let’s advance together the progress in medicine using top Technologies.

Innovative hospitals and

Build scalable AI implementations across many departments and facilities.

Contact us and let's discuss your project:

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